Just as you think that Pluto is done with you, it turns out it is just starting… In my chart Pluto seemed to be finally done with its dance back and forth over Midheaven point, with the last pass occuring on Dec 17, 2017. And just as I thought that somehow, magically, I was ‘spared’, with nothing dramatic happening to the area of my life labeled “corporate work that provides our living”, my boss told me on Dec 26 that our business unit is being totally restructured starting Jan 2. The timing corresponds to Saturn, the ruler of my Capricorn MC, ingressing into the sign of Capricorn and thus jolting up Pluto-in-Capricorn energy and giving it an outlet through the Saturnian keyword “restructure”.

With Pluto now firmly planted in my 10th house of career and joining forces with Saturn, I expect that the work the way I know it is about to come to an end. The change will go well beyond mere “restructuring” – it will be an utter transformation. And while I wish I could take a light and enthusuastic view of the upcoming changes, I know that the path will be excruciatingly difficult and in some ways devastating as Pluto never settles for less. It really works thorough the principle “what doesn’t kill us makes us stronger.”

Looking at Solar Return charts for 2018 and 2019 tells me that while 2018 is indeed is full of confusion, dissolution and sacrifice when it comes to career, 2019 actually looks like a great year of achievements – or rewards at the end of the long road of transformation. So, as always, if you look far enough, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. 🙂

In the mean time, buckle up, Dorothy, we ain’t in Kansas any more…